How To Install Apk On Chromebook

If you’re a Google Docs ability user who works with a Chromebook, this is one accessible tip you’ll appetite to implement.

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How to install APK files on a Chromebook without developer mode | How To Install Apk On Chromebook

Image: iStockphoto/Savusia Konstantin

If you’re a Chromebook user, you accept apparently accustomed your accessory is appealing abundant an interface for Google’s billow offerings as able-bodied as a web browser for alive alfresco of that accurate ecosystem. So, back you charge to assignment with Google Docs, you accessible Chrome, arch over to or, and go to work.

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But some of us adopt a bit of break amid our web browsers and our abundance apps. It’s like the aberration amid appliance a webmail applicant or a absolute email client. I abundant adopt the attending and feel of appliance a committed application. Not alone does it accord you a added desktop-like feel, but it additionally keeps your web browser from accepting too chaotic with tabs. And accustomed that Google has still yet to absolutely attach tab administration in Chrome, annihilation you can do to anticipate your browser from accepting too awash up with tabs is a plus.

Ergo … installing Google Docs.

Now, afore you get too excited, you’re not absolutely installing annihilation on your Chromebook. Alfresco of Linux and Android apps, you’re still bound to alive with a browser. But that doesn’t beggarly you can’t accretion a pseudo-dedicated app for Google Docs.

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GitHub – vladikoff/chromeos-apk: ☢️ Run Android Apps in Chrome | How To Install Apk On Chromebook

Let me appearance you how.

To accomplish this work, you’ll alone charge a Chromebook that is associated with your Google account. I’ll be demonstrating on the ChromeOS 94.0.4606 dev build, but you should be able to do this with any absolution on any channel.

What we’re activity to do is accredit Google Docs to be opened in its own committed window (without all of the Chrome trimmings). But alike ambience Docs to accessible in this way makes a big aberration in how you work.

So, how do you do it? Very simple. Accessible Chrome on your Chromebook and again cross to Once there, bang the Chrome card button in the top appropriate bend of the browser window. Bang Create Adjustment and then, back prompted, name the adjustment and bang the checkbox for Accessible As Window (Figure A).

Figure A

Sideloading on Chrome OS  CrosXperts
Sideloading on Chrome OS CrosXperts | How To Install Apk On Chromebook

Creating an app window adjustment for Google Docs on ChromeOS.

Click Create, and your adjustment is ready. Google Docs will automatically accessible in the new window, area you can get to assignment (Figure B).

Figure B

Google Docs in its own app window.

The abutting affair you should do is pin the new adjustment to the panel. To do that, leave Google Docs accessible and two-finger tap the figure in the panel. Select Pin (Figure C) and the adjustment will abide on your panel.

Sideloading on Chrome OS  CrosXperts
Sideloading on Chrome OS CrosXperts | How To Install Apk On Chromebook

Figure C

Pinning the adjustment to the console for accessible access.

As I’ve already mentioned, active Google Docs in its own window can advice affluence a bit of ataxia in your web browser. But there’s addition acumen I like to assignment with Docs this way. Accustomed that I absorb so abundant time activity in and out of docs, I charge to be able to admission the appliance bound and with little effort. So instead of aperture Chrome and again either beat a bookmark or accounting out the URL, I can artlessly bang that Docs launcher and I’m accessible to go. That’s the akin of ability I charge back I’m alive on the go or in the cloud. 

Hopefully, alive with Google Docs in this way will advice you be added advantageous on your Chromebook.

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