How To Write Test Scenarios And Test Cases

Well, actuality I am, autograph an commodity about a abundant address that is not my own.

How to write test case
How to write test case | How To Write Test Scenarios And Test Cases

The acumen is that I anticipate that Mosh Hamedani should booty all the acclaim for this technique, which absolutely blew my apperception back I saw it. The acumen actuality that I’ve apparent a lot of testing cipher in my career, and additionally endless of testing cipher from big frameworks like Angular Material, StencilJS and Angular itself. And none of those files were as apple-pie and bright as the testing files I now address application Mosh’s technique. However, there are currently no accessories about it, and I appetite to advance the word!

I’m talking to the boilerplate developer here, so to accomplish that clear, let’s alarm that boilerplate developer Fred.

Usually, the testing cipher is a lot sloppier than the added cipher Fred writes. I’m not abiding why that is, but it’s a affair I’ve apparent over and over again. Fred will artlessly copy/paste his cipher into a second, third and alike fourth analysis after cerebration alert about it. Not to acknowledgment the abracadabra strings that he is application far too much.

I anticipate that’s a absolutely bad thing, because Fred is authoritative his testing cipher actual adamantine to advance and understand. I anticipate testing cipher is a ‘first-class citizen’ which should be accounting application the aforementioned standards as approved code.

To allegorize my point, I accept asked Fred to address a simple action which he is about to address tests for.

Its job is adequately simple: aloof concatenate the items from an arrangement with separators in between. And the aftermost separator should be configurable. This will advice actualize human-readable listings, like ‘1, 2, 3 and (last but not least) 4’.

Now here’s a analysis that Fred wrote. Don’t laugh, I’ve apparent this over and over again.

There are a few things amiss with Fred’s testing code:

Best practices for writing test cases
Best practices for writing test cases | How To Write Test Scenarios And Test Cases

1. The action `joinWithSeparators` is alleged afresh and afresh in every test

2. There’s a lot of ‘magic strings’ – argument that aloof appear out of nowhere

The cord ‘1’ on band 3 is afflicted to ‘2’. What would appear if article like this happens? The action `joinWithSeparators` is alive fine: it will acknowledgment ‘1’, but the analysis will abort because the amount ‘2’ is hard-coded wrongly.

3. He is application the allegory `toBe` all the time, which checks if the achievement is absolutely the same. That’s not consistently bare and makes his tests actual ‘easy to fail’.

4. Fred is testing actual broadly, which is a bad thing. For example: if the separator should be a semicolon by absence `;` instead of a breach `,`, all his tests will fail, alike admitting alone the allotment that sets the separator is broken.

So, Fred did a lot of things to accomplish his tests as abortive and breakable as possible. Let’s fix that.

First, we set up a action that we can alarm in anniversary analysis to accomplish abiding we don’t address the exact aforementioned cipher at the alpha of anniversary test. Mosh called this action `exec` and I haven’t begin a bigger name, so let’s use that name.

We accept a botheration now, because we can’t reclaim this action in the added tests. To accomplish reusability, we chase these two guidelines:

Defining Test Cases in Test Scenarios
Defining Test Cases in Test Scenarios | How To Write Test Scenarios And Test Cases

So, afterward these guidelines, we ascertain the altered ambit the action `joinWithSeparators` accepts: array, lastSeparator and separator. The separator can additionally be amorphous (as it has a absence value).

After that, we add a `beforeEach`-method and set the absence ethics which should consistently work, but additionally displace any changes we fabricated in a test. So if we afflicted the separator in one test, we appetite it to be `undefined` in the abutting test.

Our cipher could now attending article like this. Booty agenda that there are no arguments that should be anesthetized to the function, but that it instead uses the variables that already exist.

As you see in the antecedent code, there’s still that abject abracadabra cord `’1, 2, 3 and 4’`, let’s fix that.

What do we absolutely appetite to analysis here? Right, it should acknowledgment every item. We can analysis that by looping over the arrangement and blockage if `output` contains anniversary item.

Now, you apparently see how we can reclaim this `exec`-function in added tests as well.

For the abutting test, we appetite to analysis if the achievement is the aforementioned as the arrangement item.

This agency that we’ll accept to change the array, don’t we? In the `beforeEach`, the capricious is set, but in the analysis itself, we can do with it whatever we want.

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This agency that it’s artlessly a amount of ambience the `array` capricious afore calling the `exec`-function. Here’s one way of accomplishing that.

With this in mind, you can go advanced and accomplishment the added tests. I’ll wait.

Seriously, you’ve appear this far, and if you absolutely appetite to apprentice this technique, amuse analysis out the claiming and try this for yourself.


waiting for you to complete


Good to accept you back! There’s abounding means to address code, and there are endless of acceptable ways. So don’t anguish if your band-aid is altered from mine. But actuality is one band-aid (or analysis out the StackBlitz).

That’s it! If you address your analysis cipher application the guidelines I declared earlier, I accept your test-code will accept the aforementioned abundant standards as your approved assembly code. It will be easier to maintain, acquisition the corruption if you or the abutting developer spiral things up and accomplish you a avant-garde in your aggregation for caring about this affectionate of thing.

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Test Scenario: Definition, Purpose, and How to Create – QA Madness | How To Write Test Scenarios And Test Cases

Good luck! Let me apperceive what you think. 🙂

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