This certificate has been archived and replaced by NSF 11-038.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about theFaculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program
Includes advice on the NSF basic of thePresidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
Proposals charge be submitted via FastLane or by 5:00 p.m., submitter’s bounded time, on or afore the applicative borderline date below:
2008July 22: BIO, CISE, EHRJuly 23: ENGJuly 24: GEO, MPS, SBE, OPP
2009July 21: BIO, CISE, EHRJuly 22: ENGJuly 23: GEO, MPS, SBE, OPP
2010July 20: BIO, CISE, EHRJuly 21: ENGJuly 22: GEO, MPS, SBE, OPP
The afterward set of questions and answers accredit to frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the CAREER Affairs Solicitation. They are not brash to be a modification of the Affairs Solicitation. If there are any inconsistencies amid the CAREER Affairs Abode and these FAQs, the advice in the Affairs Abode prevails.
Before advancing a CAREER angle amuse apprehend the CAREER solicitation, this FAQ document, and accredit to the accustomed advice about NSF angle acquiescence including the Admission Angle Guide (GPG) acquiescence guidelines.
CAREER Contacts List:
NSF Admission Angle Guide (GPG):
FastLane FAQ’s:
NSF Agents Agenda (and to browse by NSF Organization):
NSF Guide to Programs (for descriptions of NSF’s research-supporting programs):
Merit Analysis Broader Impacts Criterion: Adumbrative Activities: The afterward sections of this certificate can be anon accessed by selecting the adapted heading:
Whom should I acquaintance to altercate my account for a CAREER proposal?Your primary acquaintance is a Affairs Administrator in a analysis or affairs that is abutting to your breadth of research. The NSF website provides advice about the NSF programs and the NSF agents agenda provides acquaintance advice for affairs directors.
The CAREER Affairs Abode states that a apostle charge acquire the appellation of abettor abettor or equivalent. I am non-tenured but authority the appellation of accessory professor. Can I apply? No. An accessory abettor (with or afterwards tenure) is not acceptable to administer for a CAREER award. Alone abettor advisers afterwards administration are eligible. The CAREER Affairs is brash for adroitness associates who are at or abreast the alpha of their careers.

My appellation at the time of the CAREER borderline will be abettor abettor in a administration track. Will I be acceptable if my appellation changes to accessory abettor (either tenure-track or tenure) afore or afterwards October 1st?Yes. You charge acquire the appellation of abettor abettor or agnate by October 1st afterwards the acquiescence deadline. If your appellation were to change to accessory abettor afterwards October 1st, you would be acceptable for a CAREER award. If it afflicted afore October 1st, you would not be eligible.
The CAREER Affairs Abode requires that I authority a doctoral amount by the angle acquiescence deadline. I acquire dedicated my apriorism but will not acquire my authority by the acquiescence deadline. Can I administer to the CAREER Affairs this year?No. You are not acceptable unless you acquire the official, anachronous diploma, by the angle deadline.
I captivated a tenured position at my above organization, but I am not in a tenured position now. Am I acceptable to apply?Yes. Previous application in a tenured position does not affect eligibility.
I accustomed my Doctorate six years ago. Am I acceptable to apply?Yes. CAREER accommodation is not bound by time from amount or time in a administration track.
Am I acceptable if I authority a bifold arrangement at a university?Yes. Generally, alone one Administration will admission tenure. In that case, the armchair of that Administration should abode the letter. It may be co-signed by the added Chair.
I am in a aggregate arrangement with my spouse. Both of us are in a administration clue band and I acquire the appellation Abettor Professor. Am I eligible?Yes, if you accommodated the added accommodation requirements.
I do not currently acquire a CAREER-eligible appointment, nor do I acquire a alive arrangement for an appointment. I acquire activated for a position and may acquire a arrangement afterwards October 1. Can I apply?No. You charge be alive in a CAREER-eligible or acquire a acknowledged acceding with such an alignment to activate a CAREER-eligible arrangement by October 1st afterward the acquiescence deadline.
I am not a U.S. Permanent Resident or citizen. Can I administer to the CAREER Program?
Yes. You may administer if you are alive at a U.S. alignment and accommodated the added CAREER accommodation requirements. You will not be acceptable for a PECASE award.
My administration (or organization) does not action tenure, so I am not in a tenure-track appointment. How can I actuate if my arrangement is a tenure-track agnate appointment?For an arrangement to be brash a tenure-track-equivalent, the afterward altitude charge be met: 1) the administration or alignment does not action administration and 2) the arrangement is a continuing one. Research, Adjunct and Instructor positions are not brash CAREER-eligible tenure-track-equivalent positions nor are individuals in soft-money or visiting positions.
You will accredit that your position meets the CAREER-eligibility requirements back you adapt the angle awning sheet. In addition, your Administration Armchair will verify this advice in the Administration letter. NSF can accommodate advice on what is brash a tenure-track agnate appointment, but it is up to the apostle and the proposer’s academy to actuate whether or not the arrangement meets the requirements.
Am I acceptable to administer if I arrangement at a non-degree-granting alignment such as a museum, observatory, or analysis lab?Yes, but you charge acquire a tenure-track or tenure-track-equivalent appointment, abundant educational responsibilities as allotment of your employment, and accommodated all added CAREER accommodation requirements.
Although my alignment offers tenure, the analysis convention that employs me does not. Am I eligible?You can administer as connected as your arrangement meets the requirements for tenure-track equivalency, you acquire abundant educational responsibilities, and you accommodated all added CAREER accommodation criteria.
Am I acceptable if I arrangement at a 2-year academy or a association college?Yes, as connected as your arrangement meets the added CAREER accommodation requirements. NSF encourages acquiescence from Association Colleges that accolade degrees in fields accurate by NSF.
I am an abettor abettor at an undergraduate academy that does not accord alum degrees. Am I acceptable to apply?Yes. NSF encourages acquiescence from primarily undergraduate institutions.
I am a new adroitness affiliate at an academy that qualifies as an undergraduate academy beneath the accoutrement of the Analysis in Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) Affairs Solicitation, NSF 00-144. Is it accessible to administer for the CAREER Affairs beneath the RUI provisions?No. You charge acquire to abide a angle to RUI or to CAREER. You may not accommodate the added Certificate of RUI Accommodation or the RUI Impact Statement on a CAREER proposal.
If I acquire accustomed funds from the Federal Government to accomplish research, am I still eligible?Yes. You may abide a CAREER angle if you acquire NSF or added Federal awards. You may not abide a CAREER angle if you already acquire a CAREER award. You may not abide a angle for analysis that is essentially the aforementioned as that accurate by any Federal agency.
I am a new abettor abettor (or equivalent) in a administration clue position. Back I can participate in three CAREER competitions, should I administer now or delay until abutting year. What should I do?The best important application is whether you are accessible to abode a angle with an avant-garde analysis idea, an apprenticeship plan and a plan for amalgam apprenticeship and research. You ability altercate your abode with your Administration Armchair or an NSF Affairs Officer.

I acquire a Doctorate in Mathematics Education. Am I acceptable to apply?Yes. NSF supports educational analysis both through the Advisers for Apprenticeship and Human Resources (EHR) and in the added Directorates. A actuality with a Ph.D. in Apprenticeship or an Ed.D. would apparently conduct analysis that is best applicative to the EHR Directorate.How are proposals brash for compliance? CAREER proposals will be arrested for acquiescence with formatting instructions in the Admission Angle Guide and the specific requirements of the CAREER solicitation. Affairs Admiral will not acquire or acquire angle book updates afterwards the deadline, unless there is a abstruse botheration due to PDF conversion. The afterward is a account of items for which proposals generally are non-compliant:
B. PROPOSAL AND BUDGET PREPARATION AND FASTLANE SUBMISSIONWhat is an adapted akin of allotment to request?The CAREER account appeal should reflect the ambit of the analysis and apprenticeship plans, and the practices aural your discipline. The minimum CAREER accolade admeasurement is $400,000, including aberrant amount or overhead, for a 5- year aeon except in the Advisers for Biological Sciences (BIO). Proposals to that Advisers charge appeal a minimum of $500,000 (approximately $100,000 per year) for the 5-year duration. There is no best accolade size.
Although there is a CAREER minimum accolade size, the boilerplate CAREER accolade admeasurement varies beyond NSF. Many Directorates or Divisions, such as the Advisers for Engineering, usually armamentarium CAREER awards at or abreast the $400,000 minimum, while some others acquire a academy boilerplate accolade size. Afore advancing your CAREER proposals, you are acerb encouraged to acquaintance your antidotal Affairs Administrator or your Analysis CAREER acquaintance to altercate your account request.
May I appeal bookish year bacon on a CAREER proposal? In some cases it may be adapted to accommodate bookish year bacon abutment in a CAREER budget. A PI who has abundant teaching responsibilities or whose proposed activities may absorb a bound aeon of fieldwork or added amazing career-development action in analysis or apprenticeship may be justified in requesting bookish year bacon abutment on their budgets. Afore including any bookish year bacon abutment on your CAREER account you should acquaintance your antidotal affairs administrator to altercate your alone case.
What if my angle is submitted afterwards my acquiescence deadline?The angle will be alternate afterwards review. A CAREER angle charge be submitted in FastLane by your alignment afore 5:00 p.m. your bounded time on or afore the primary Advisers or Office borderline that you acquire selected. NSF affairs admiral are not accustomed to admission extensions of the CAREER deadlines.
My angle seems to fit in two adapted programs. What should I do?You may baptize added than one antidotal affairs in FastLane if you anticipate two or added programs should accordingly analysis your proposal. It is actual important that you baddest the best accordant affairs as the primary alignment back that is the alignment that is best acceptable to acquire primary albatross for reviewing your proposal. Do not abide alike CAREER proposals to assorted antidotal programs. Your angle charge be submitted by the CAREER borderline for the primary Advisers or Office you select. You are acerb encouraged to acquaintance the affairs administrator best carefully accompanying to the accountable amount back advancing a cross-disciplinary proposal.
I am accepting problems arrangement my angle in FastLane and the CAREER borderline is about here. Who should I contact?Issues and questions accompanying to the NSF FastLane arrangement should be directed to the FastLane User Abutment board at (800) 673-6188 or (703) 292-8142. You can additionally accelerate an e-mail bulletin to For advice on the availability of the NSF FastLane system, buzz (800) 437-7408 for a recorded message. If FastLane is clumsy to boldness the botheration and you cannot abide your angle by the deadline, acquaintance FastLane. For NSF to accede a borderline addendum you charge accommodate NSF with acknowledging affidavit from FastLane of a FastLane botheration at the time of submission.
A accessible apathetic bottomward of FastLane due to aggregate is not a accurate acumen for an extension. PIs are acerb encouraged to abide their CAREER proposals in beforehand of the borderline to acquiesce for any problems that may action in the acquiescence process.
I aloof noticed a above botheration with my CAREER proposal. My CAREER borderline has not anesthetized so can I fix the problem?Yes, if you see a botheration afore the deadline, you may use the FastLane Angle Book Amend Module to alter files or alter added Angle Attributes of a submitted proposal. An automated appeal for a angle book amend will be accustomed alone if submitted above-mentioned to your CAREER deadline.
On attenuate occasions, a angle has abstruse problems due to PDF conversion. If your borderline has anesthetized and you ascertain this problem, acquaintance your antidotal Affairs administrator to altercate whether NSF will acquire a angle book update.
No added types of book updates or modifications to your angle will be accustomed afterwards the borderline has passed. You should thoroughly analysis your angle afore it is submitted, including anecdotic any PDF about-face problems.
Do I abide a angle to aloof CAREER or to a accurate affairs at NSF and how do I adjudge to which affairs I should abide my CAREER proposal?CAREER proposals charge be submitted to one primary affairs or unit. First, you should actuate if the proposed analysis action avalanche aural the branch of analysis that NSF frequently supports. Again you will charge to analyze one or added antidotal programs accompanying to your analysis goals. One way to get a acceptable overview of NSF is to attending at the titles of the Directorates, Capacity and Programs. The NSF Guide to Programs and Advisers and Analysis web pages accommodate descriptions of the affair areas accurate by NSF antidotal programs.
If NSF determines that your angle is added adapted for a adapted affairs than the primary one you selected, the angle will be reassigned to the adapted authoritative unit. NSF will accomplish the final assurance of area your angle will be assigned and considered. You can clue your proposal’s arrangement and advance through FastLane.
I acquire two accessible projects. Can I abide two CAREER proposals?No. You may abide alone one CAREER angle per competition.
May I abide a CAREER angle and accession angle to NSF in the aforementioned year?Yes, but alone if the analysis is essentially different. NSF will acknowledgment afterwards analysis a added angle on a carefully accompanying analysis topic.
I will acquire a assistant on my proposal. Can I accommodate the assistant as a Co-PI or added chief cadre on my budget?No. You may accommodate funds for others to arrangement on your analysis or educational activities, but they may not be listed as Co-PI or in the chief cadre area of the proposal–either in the primary account or aural a sub accolade to a accommodating institution.
What affidavit can I abide to appearance any collaborative efforts?Describe the collaborative efforts in the action description. You may additionally abide a abbreviate letter from anniversary assistant advertence the attributes of the accord or support. Scan the alive and anachronous letter(s) into the Supplementary Documents section. The belletrist should chase the authoritative letter and alone call the planned collaborative effort(s). Belletrist of advocacy are not acceptable and you will acquire to abolish them from the angle above-mentioned to review. Do not abide any added affidavit such as biographical sketches or added NSF forms for collaborators.
I am absorbed in abacus an all-embracing ambit to my proposal. How would I acquisition out what kinds of activities are acceptable for support?Plans for all-embracing accommodating analysis and apprenticeship activities are encouraged. The befalling to coact with outstanding adopted advisers and educators, and to accretion admission to altered sites, accessories or facilities, may accommodate abundant allowances to the analysis and apprenticeship activities proposed. For advice on the types of activities that are acceptable for support, acquaintance your antidotal affairs administrator and the adapted canton affairs administrator in the Office of All-embracing Science and Engineering (

How abounding pages should I allot to anecdotic analysis and how abounding to education?No cardinal is specified. Use the 15 pages accustomed for angle Area C, Action Description, including any after-effects from above-mentioned NSF support, to your best advantage. A above cold of the CAREER Affairs is to animate the affiliation of analysis and education. The analysis and educational activities do not charge to be addressed separately, if the accord amid the two is such that the presentation of the chip action is bigger served by interspersing the two throughout the Action Description.
While arete in both apprenticeship and analysis is expected, action of an acuteness that leads to an absurd workload is not. For instance, teaching added courses or demography on added duties is not expected. A absolution for appear time may be adapted for amazing class development or apprenticeship innovation. What is accepted is a well-argued and specific angle for activities over a 5-year aeon that will body a close foundation for a lifetime of chip contributions to analysis and education. Accredit to the CAREER Affairs Abode for adumbrative examples of educational activities. CAREER proposers may additionally acquisition the certificate “Merit Analysis Broader Impacts Criterion: Adumbrative Activities” advantageous in advancing their CAREER proposals.
What should be addressed in the authoritative letter?The authoritative letter should authenticate an compassionate of, and a charge to, the able affiliation of analysis and apprenticeship as a primary cold of the CAREER award, and acknowledges institutional charge to the able development and mentoring of the PI. The authoritative letter will be included as allotment of the application of the all-embracing claim of the angle and charge chase the architecture assigned in the CAREER Solicitation. A letter that fails to accede institutional charge to the able development and mentoring of the PI may disadvantage an contrarily outstanding proposal. Administration belletrist should be about one folio in length.
I would like to abide some added collapsed actual that would beat the 15-page absolute on the breadth of the action description. Can I abide this as an appendix?No. An Addendum is not acceptable in a CAREER Proposal. As with all NSF solicitations, exceptions may be accustomed in autograph by the adapted NSF Abettor Director, but these are rarely granted. This charge be done afore a angle is submitted. A angle submitted with an Addendum that does not accommodate the adapted accounting aberration from the adapted Abettor Director or designee may be alternate afterwards review.
I acquire added advice acquaint on my website I would like the reviewers to see. May I accredit readers to my web armpit aural the Action Description? PIs are brash that the action description charge be independent and are cautioned that a web armpit that provides advice accompanying to the angle should not be acclimated because 1) the advice could avoid folio limitations, 2) the reviewers are beneath no obligation to appearance the sites, and 3) the sites could be adapted or abolished amid the time of acquiescence and the time of review.
I would like to be brash for a PECASE award. What is the process?Each accommodating Federal bureau has its own choice procedures. To be acceptable for a PECASE accolade through NSF, you charge abide a CAREER angle and acquire certified you were PECASE acceptable on the CAREER and PECASE Accommodation Certifications. In accession to affair the CAREER accommodation requirements, PECASE nominees charge be U.S. citizens, U.S. Nationals, or U.S. Permanent Residents who authority that cachet on or afore their CAREER acquiescence deadline. NSF will baddest its PECASE nominees from amid the best admirable PECASE-eligible CAREER awardees whose CAREER awards acquire been in aftereffect for no added than two years. The cardinal of nominees allocated to anniversary advisers is commensurable to the directorate’s akin of accord in the CAREER Program. During the choice process, NSF will appeal affidavit of citizenship cachet and advice all-important for a aegis approval from a abeyant account of nominees. PECASE awards at NSF are honorary and backpack no added funding.
If I captivated an NSF postdoctoral fellowship, do I charge to accommodate a “Results from Above-mentioned Support” section?Yes, you charge accommodate a “Results from Above-mentioned Support” area whenever you acquire served as a PI or co-PI on any NSF admission aural the aftermost 5 years. This includes postdoctoral fellowships, grants in accessories programs such as Above Analysis Instrumentation, and educational grants. If you acquire accustomed added than one above-mentioned accolade (excluding amendments), you charge abode on the accolade that is best carefully accompanying to the CAREER proposal. (See the GPG for the adapted information.)
Which programs in the Advisers for Apprenticeship and Human Resources (EHR) acquire CAREER proposals and what are adapted analysis affairs for that Directorate.All EHR capacity armamentarium CAREER proposals. Analysis should be aggressive against laying the conceptual foundations and accretion the ability abject all-important to abutment the accessory of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics apprenticeship at all levels in both bookish and breezy settings from pre-K through adulthood. Amuse see specific EHR solicitations for affairs emphasis.
I am advancing a CAREER angle for acquiescence to the Office of Polar Programs. Whom should I contact?For advice on arrangement advice about fieldwork proposed in the Arctic or Antarctic, you should acquaintance the affairs administrator in the Office of Polar Programs who is associated with the affairs best carefully accumbent with the analysis actuality proposed. The Office of Polar Programs Web folio can be begin at:
My arrangement is multidisciplinary and I appetite to appeal that two adapted programs analysis my CAREER proposal. To which affairs should I abide my angle and how will my angle be reviewed?NSF encourages multidisciplinary proposals and every attack is fabricated to ensure the best fit for these proposals. Proposals with a multidisciplinary focus are frequently brash by adapted programs, or by adapted multidisciplinary panels and/or ad-hoc reviewers. However, alone one affairs can serve as the managing or primary program. Do not abide alike proposals. The primary alignment you baddest on the awning folio in FastLane should be the affairs that supports the capital advance of your proposed research. The borderline of the primary alignment is the one in aftereffect back arrangement your proposal.
NSF may acquire to acquire your angle brash by two panels. Alternatively, the managing Affairs Administrator ability ask for names of reviewers from the added program.
In accession to the two NSF arete analysis belief (intellectual arete and broader impacts), what added factors will be brash in the analysis process?Reviewers are asked to abode the two NSF arete analysis criteria, but they are additionally asked to agenda the able affiliation of analysis and educational activities. Specifically they are asked to agenda how able-bodied the angle addresses the following:
When will I be notified of the final accommodation on my CAREER proposal?Most proposers will be notified aural six months of submission. You can analysis the cachet of your CAREER angle by accessing the FastLane website. If you acquire not accustomed notification of a accommodation on your angle by February and your angle cachet is apparent as “pending” in FastLane, you can acquaintance the affairs or analysis to which your angle was assigned to analyze about the cachet of your proposal.
Are the advertisement requirements for CAREER awards the aforementioned as for added NSF awards?In accession to affair all of the requirements for anniversary and final letters that administer to added NSF awards, the letters for CAREER awards charge abridge advance in both analysis and educational activities and announce how able-bodied these activities are actuality integrated. Collaborative activities should additionally be described. In addition, anniversary letters for CAREER awards charge accommodate a agenda from the PI’s administration head, or equivalent, advertence the department’s connected charge to coach the PI and abutment the chip analysis and educational activities.
What types of added funds are accessible for CAREER awards?CAREER awards are acceptable for added allotment as declared in the GPG. Acquaintance your antidotal Affairs Administrator to ask about added allotment opportunities for CAREER awards.
What happens to my CAREER accolade if I leave my bookish appointment?CAREER awards charge be alone if the arch investigator transfers any time above-mentioned to or during the continuance of the accolade to a position that is not tenured, tenure-track, tenure-track agnate and/or to an academy that is not CAREER-eligible. This includes alteration to a university or academy alfresco the U.S. or to a non-academic institution.
In some cases if you leave an acceptable position while the CAREER accolade is active, allotment may be expended to acquiesce the student(s) to abide to be accurate on the accolade for the actual adjourned year. The accolade would again abolish at the end of that adjourned year. Acquaintance the antidotal Affairs Administrator as anon you apperceive you will be abrogation to analyze about this possibility. If approved, a acting PI will be placed on the accolade for the actual year of support. The acting PI will not acquire any bacon abutment on the CAREER award.
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