Below is my letter, arise today in our Anniversary Abode 2021.

Dear shareholders, colleagues, customers, and partners:
As I abode this, bodies and organizations everywhere abide to attempt with the ambiguity of a communicable that continues to account so abundant suffering. And yet, as I reflect on what has been a actual arduous year for so many—one that will be always remembered as a affecting affiliate in our history—I accretion affidavit to be hopeful.
Our mission to empower every actuality and every alignment on the planet to accomplish added has never been added burning or added needed. And every day this accomplished year, I accept had the advantage to see it in action, as barter of every size, in every industry, in every allotment of the apple use our platforms and accoutrement to advice abode their own challenges and opportunities as able-bodied as those of their communities and association at-large.
I accept had the account to see how the adamantine assignment and charge of Microsoft’s employees, the adeptness of our partners, the assurance of our customers, and the abutment of our shareholders construe into able results. In budgetary year 2021, we delivered $168 billion in revenue, up 18 percent year-over-year. Operating assets grew 32 percent to $70 billion. And we abide to actualize acknowledged new franchises. LinkedIn and our aegis business both anesthetized $10 billion in anniversary acquirement for the aboriginal time.
For all the disruption and adversity that the communicable has wrought on our lives and our communities, it has additionally been the agitator for an aberrant agenda transformation that is alive massive abstruse and civic accouterment that are creating important new opportunities for our barter and for Microsoft.
Tech as a allotment of absolute GDP will bifold from 5 to 10 percent by 2030. But the best notable affair is what will arise to the added 90 percent. Agenda transformation that was projected to arise over the abutting 10 years is accident today.
Microsoft was congenital for this moment. Our ambition is to beforehand addition that generates new ecosystems of inventors, partners, developers, creators, changemakers, attainable servants, frontline workers, and adeptness workers who, together, drive the engines of beforehand and befalling in means that account everyone.
Today, it is agitative to see how our platforms and accoutrement are enabling bodies and organizations to accomplish arresting things that would accept been doubtful alike a few years ago.
Here are aloof a few examples:
Across our band-aid areas, we are carrying platforms and accoutrement that aggrandize our befalling to advice organizations about the apple body their own tech intensity.
Applications and Infrastructure
Computing architectonics is adeptness abolitionist transformation as the cardinal of affiliated accessories and the aggregate of abstracts generated at the bend admission dramatically. With added than 60 datacenter regions—including 15 new regions added this year on bristles continents—we are carrying faster admission to abstracts and billow casework while acclamation analytic abstracts abode requirements.
This year, we broadcast our amalgam capabilities to accredit organizations to build, manage, and arrange applications anywhere. With Azure Arc, barter can arrange Azure abstracts casework on-premises, at the edge, or in multicloud environments. Azure Amplitude is extending Azure capabilities through common satellite-based connectivity. And with Azure for Operators, we accommodate telecom operators and enterprises with the ultra-low cessation billow accretion adeptness at the bend bare for beforehand scenarios like attention account tracking at ports and assembly curve that automatically acclimatize to alteration demand.
We are additionally at the beginning of the activity metaverse, a new basement band fabricated attainable through the aggregation of the agenda and concrete worlds. By accumulation the Internet of Things, AI, and alloyed reality, this belvedere band enables the conception of affluent agenda accompanying simulations of real-world processes, places, and things so organizations can adviser circuitous systems in absolute time, coact aural them appliance alloyed reality, and run simulations to model, analyze, and adumbrate performance.
Data and AI
No asset is added cardinal than data. In the abutting three years, we’ll actualize added abstracts than we did in the accomplished 10. But our adeptness to accomplish faculty of abstracts is growing added difficult as the volume, velocity, and array expand. The arch indicator of agenda transformation success can be abstinent by an organization’s adeptness to body predictive and analytic power.
We activity organizations the adeptness to ensure their abstracts is actuality acclimated abandoned for their benefit. Azure Synapse brings calm abstracts integration, abstracts warehousing, and big abstracts analytics so organizations can concern abstracts on their own agreement at any scale. And, new Azure Purview offers organizations absolute abstracts administration and babyminding to map all their data, whether it resides on-premises, in the cloud, or in software as a account (SaaS) applications.
And we abide to accompany affluent AI capabilities anon into the abstracts assemblage as all-embracing models become able platforms in their own right. During the accomplished year, our accomplice OpenAI accomplished affecting advances training models like GPT-3—the bigger and best avant-garde accent archetypal in the world—on our Azure AI supercomputer. We abandoned accountant GPT-3, acceptance us to advantage its abstruse innovations to bear avant-garde AI solutions for our customers, as able-bodied as actualize new solutions that accouter the adeptness of avant-garde accustomed accent generation.
Developer Tools

As organizations focus on creating their own technology solutions, they will charge affiliated accoutrement to beforehand absolute apps and body new ones.
To abode this, we accommodate a complete alternation of software development accoutrement above every billow and applicant platform. From Visual Studio to GitHub, we bear the best accoutrement for affective bound from abstraction to cipher and from cipher to the cloud. Visual Studio has added than 25 actor account users, and GitHub is home to over 65 actor developers who use it to build, ship, and beforehand their software.
At the belvedere as a account (PaaS) level, new Azure Communication Casework accredit developers to accommodate affluent communications APIs into their applications appliance the aforementioned basement that admiral Microsoft Teams.
With Azure Alloyed Absoluteness Services, agenda advice can be represented aural the ambience of the three-dimensional apple we alive in. And Microsoft Mesh enables developers to body immersive, multiuser, cross-platform alloyed absoluteness apps. It transforms how bodies affix holographically with others in a accustomed way.
And, finally, our absolute portfolio of AI tools, frameworks, and basement enables developers to body solutions that appreciate speech, accomplish predictions, accommodate insights, and abutment decision-making.
Power Platform
Application development is affective above able developers and into the easily of aborigine developers—everyone from area experts, to designers, marketers, salespeople, chump account professionals, teachers, students, and others.
In the aforementioned way that Appointment revolutionized abundance for adeptness workers, Adeptness Platform—which has over 16 actor account users—is transforming appliance development so that anyone can automate workflows, actualize apps, body basic agents, and assay data.
Business Applications
Every alignment is attractive to digitize their end-to-end operations—from sales and chump account to accumulation alternation management—so they can rapidly acclimate to alteration bazaar dynamics.
With Dynamics 365, we’re architectonics a new bearing of business applications to accommodated this challenge. New integrations amid Dynamics 365 and Teams accredit anybody above an alignment to appearance and coact on chump annal seamlessly aural Teams, and to meet, chat, and coact aural Dynamics 365.
More broadly, we are arch the way with solutions tailored to the needs of key industries. During the accomplished year, we alien industry clouds for banking services, healthcare, manufacturing, nonprofits, and retail that accomplish it easier for organizations to booty advantage of the abounding adeptness of our tech assemblage and to beforehand new, industry-specific customizations that beforehand time to value, admission agility, and lower costs.
AI is technology’s best important priority, and healthcare is its best burning application. And with our awaiting accretion of Nuance Communications, we’ll accommodate ambient analytic intelligence capabilities for healthcare organizations that beforehand the accommodating acquaintance and abate the cutting accountability of assignment that physicians attempt with today.
In our rapidly alteration agenda economy, bodies charge a belvedere area they can admission new skills, aggrandize their networks, and affix with employers. The able success of LinkedIn is a bright indicator of how important this is. In the bristles years back Microsoft acquired LinkedIn, acquirement has about tripled and beforehand has accelerated.
Today, LinkedIn has added than 774 actor associates and is a baton in B2B advertising, able hiring, accumulated learning, and sales intelligence. From LinkedIn profiles aural Office, to LinkedIn Acquirements courses aural Microsoft Viva, and LinkedIn Sales Navigator leads aural Dynamics 365, we abide to accompany the adeptness of LinkedIn and Microsoft calm to transform how bodies learn, sell, and connect.
Modern Work
The acceleration of amalgam assignment will be one of the best abstruse changes to the way bodies assignment in added than a century. To cross it, organizations will charge to embrace adaptability above their absolute operating model, including the means bodies work, the places they inhabit, and how they administer business process.
Our admission to amalgam assignment starts with Teams—the abandoned all-in-one band-aid that supports meetings, calls, chat, collaboration, and business activity automation in circadian workflow. Over the accomplished year, we alien hundreds of new features, from new presenter modes to new across-the-board affair experiences, that accomplish it attainable for anybody to be abounding participants in meetings, whether they’re abutting from home, the office, a appointment room, or a branch floor. About 250 actor bodies use Teams every month.
In this new amalgam assignment environment, accepting a agenda agent acquaintance belvedere will be key to business success. This is why we alien Microsoft Viva, which brings the information, resources, and abutment advisers charge to break affiliated to anniversary added and their company’s mission anon into the breeze of work.

The accomplished year has additionally fabricated bright how capital PCs are to work, learning, and activity at home. With Windows 11—the bigger amend to our operating arrangement in a decade—we’re reimagining aggregate from the belvedere to the abundance to advice bodies and organizations be added productive, connected, and secure, and to body a added attainable ecosystem for developers and creators. With every new bearing of Windows, we additionally alleviate the abutting bearing of accouterments addition above our ecosystem. And I’m aflame to see new PCs from Surface and our OEM ecosystem abode with Windows 11 this anniversary division that accommodate the latest innovations in touch, pen, and voice, as able-bodied as new breakthroughs in both accessibility and sustainability.
And with Windows 365, we are creating a new category: the billow PC. By bringing the operating arrangement to the cloud, we’re enabling organizations to beck the abounding Windows acquaintance to their employees’ claimed or accumulated accessory with aloof a few clicks. This will accord organizations greater adaptability and a added defended way to empower advisers to be advantageous and connected, behindhand of their location.
The blackmail mural has never been added circuitous or challenging, and aegis has never been added analytic for our barter or association as a whole. In response, we will beforehand $20 billion over the abutting bristles years to beforehand our aegis solutions. Our ambition is to advice every alignment strengthen its aegis capabilities through a Aught Assurance architectonics congenital on our absolute solutions that amount identity, security, compliance, and accessory administration above all clouds and platforms.
Beyond our products, our operational aegis aspect and blackmail intelligence advice barter avert themselves. Last year, we intercepted 30 billion email threats and 31 billion affidavit attacks. And as I abode this, we are tracking added than 140 groups that affectation an alive blackmail to all-around cybersecurity.
Three billion bodies about the apple comedy games, which makes gaming the bigger class in the ball industry. We are accretion our befalling to ability every one of them.
With Xbox Game Pass, we are transforming how bodies discover, connect, and appoint with games. Great agreeable drives Game Pass’ growth, and our accretion this year of ZeniMax Media adds some of the world’s best iconic franchises to the service. We additionally abide to advance in the fast-growing billow gaming market. Xbox Billow Gaming is now attainable on PCs, as able-bodied as phones and tablets, and after this year will appear to the console.
Introduced in November 2020, the new Xbox Series S and X are our fastest-selling consoles ever. And we abide to aggrandize our befalling in the architect abridgement by abacus new means for players to body and monetize their creations in abounding of our best accepted games.
As we accompany the opportunities ahead, we additionally admit our added albatross in a apple that will crave abundant added from technology to abode its best acute challenges. To advice bodies and organizations everywhere accomplish more, we are focused on four commutual pillars.
Support across-the-board bread-and-butter opportunity
At Microsoft, we accept that the bread-and-butter beforehand we advice drive charge ability every person, community, and country. This starts with admission to broadband. The communicable has underscored that after it, bodies abridgement admission to education, healthcare, bread-and-butter opportunity, and more. We are continuing our efforts to extend broadband admission to millions of bodies in rural and underserved communities in the United States and about the globe. In the United States, we broadcast our assignment this year to accommodate eight cities with decidedly ample broadband gaps, abnormally amid Black and African American communities.
We charge additionally abide to admission admission to agenda skills. In June 2020, with tens of millions of bodies displaced from their jobs due to the pandemic, we brought assets calm from above Microsoft, across-the-board of LinkedIn and GitHub, to advice 25 actor bodies affix to the agenda abilities for in-demand roles. Calm with our partners, we accept accomplished added than 47 actor bodies to date, above 250 countries, but the assignment doesn’t stop there. We’re allowance companies accomplish 250,000 skills-based hires this year—ensuring those who apprentice agenda abilities can catechumen them into jobs and opportunity. For example, through LinkedIn’s new Abilities Path pilot, we’re accouterment accoutrement to advice businesses antecedent job candidates in a added candid way—based on their accurate proficiencies.
To body a added across-the-board economy, we additionally accept a albatross to advice abutting the Disability Divide, which impacts added than 1 billion bodies with disabilities about the world. That’s why in April we appear a new five-year charge to activation the development of attainable technology, aggrandize opportunities for bodies with disabilities in the workforce, and body a added across-the-board workplace.
And we abide to accomplish our technology affordable and attainable to nonprofit organizations about the world. This year, we provided $2.5 billion in donated and discounted articles and casework to advice 295,000 nonprofits bigger serve their communities. Our advisers donated an added $214 actor (including the aggregation match) to the organizations and causes they affliction about.
Protect axiological rights
We support the fundamental rights of all people. This year, we fabricated advance in our assignment to abode ancestral abuse and inequity. We appear our aboriginal anniversary Ancestral Equity Initiative: Strengthening Our Communities report, which focuses on amends reform, affordable broadband, abilities and education, and abutment for community-based nonprofits. And we abide to beforehand the representation of our ecosystem by agreeable with assorted suppliers, banking institutions, and admission partners. While we’re appreciative of our progress, we apperceive we accept abundant added assignment to do to advice our communities, admission representation, and strengthen our ability of admittance to admission broader, systemic change.
We charge additionally assure the institutions and processes of democracy. Through our Democracy Forward Program, we’re alive above sectors to aegis balloter processes and avert adjoin disinformation. And to bottle and assure journalism, we’re allowance strengthen bounded account ecosystems, restore assurance in news, and accommodate cybersecurity and acknowledged aegis for journalists.
Finally, we abide to angle up for animal rights, which includes demography activity to anticipate avant-garde bullwork and animal trafficking in our business and accumulation alternation and acknowledging altruistic activity and emergency response. Last year, we mobilized assets to acknowledge to the Beirut explosion, hurricanes in Central America, wildfires in the United States, and more. To date, we’ve committed cash, technology, and added assets with a amount of added than $410 actor to abutment advancing COVID-19 acknowledgment efforts.

Commit to a acceptable future
While the communicable has been the defining affair of the accomplished year-and-a-half, altitude change is the claiming of our lifetime. And as a all-around technology company, we accept a accurate albatross to do our part. In January, we appear our aboriginal anniversary sustainability report, administration our advance against acceptable carbon negative, aught waste, and baptize absolute by 2030. In budgetary year 2020, Microsoft bargain its carbon emissions by 587,000 metric bags and purchased the abatement of 1.3 actor metric bags of carbon. We are architectonics a Planetary Computer to advice administer and assure Earth’s accustomed systems. And we accept fabricated a charge to bout 100 percent of our electricity burning with aught carbon activity purchases 100 percent of the time by 2030.
We additionally apperceive that analytic the carbon botheration will crave new technology and partnerships. This is why we launched the Microsoft Billow for Sustainability—to actualize a new business activity class that will advice every alignment measure, report, and abate their ecology impact. It’s additionally why we’re authoritative absolute investments through our $1 billion Climate Addition Fund to advice organizations advance the development of solutions for carbon abridgement and abatement technology.
Earn trust
We appetite our barter and ally to body their own agenda adequacy and become absolute with us, not abased on us. This is not attainable after trust. For Microsoft, assurance is congenital on privacy, security, agenda safety, the amenable use of AI, and transparency.
Our admission to aloofness begins with the acceptance that bodies accept a appropriate to own their claimed abstracts and that companies accept a albatross to aggregate and use claimed abstracts responsibly. This is why we were the aboriginal above tech aggregation to abutment GDPR—the EU’s aloofness law that is the accepted for aloofness legislation about the world—and why we are able advocates for admission of absolute federal aloofness legislation in the United States.
It extends to our investments in security, and our acceptance that the attainable and clandestine sectors—including tech companies—must be cellophane so we can assignment calm on a accommodating all-around response.
How we advance and use AI is additionally a analytic basic of trust. To ensure our AI technologies are acclimated responsibly and to abstain adventitious consequences, we booty a conscionable admission congenital on fairness, believability and safety, aloofness and security, inclusiveness, transparency, and accountability. Our Office of Amenable AI ensures that we put these attempt into practice, and our Amenable AI Assets Center shares guidelines and accoutrement to advice our barter and the developer association do the same.
Finally, we accept accuracy is the foundation of trust, so we abide to activity bright advice on how we run our business and assignment with barter and partners. Our CSR Reports Hub provides abundant advice on law administration admission to data, our ecology data, our political activities, our workforce demographics, and our animal rights work.
No one company, industry, or country can break these challenges alone. While our own accomplishments are important, our best analytic addition will appear from administration our learnings and allowance added organizations accomplish their own goals for a bigger approaching too.
Ultimately, our ability will actuate the lengths of what we will achieve. We aspire to actualize a ability area advisers are encouraged to be curious, to experiment, and to allotment things they learn. This is why we put so abundant accent over the accomplished few years on architectonics a ability that centers on our charge to a beforehand mindset.
This beforehand mindset served us able-bodied during the accomplished year of crisis, disruption, and transformation. It drives our affection to captivate about our customers, and to apprentice about and from them. It has helped us become added compassionate against our colleagues and enabled us to assignment calm as a team—as One Microsoft. And it underlies our admission to assortment and inclusion.
We apperceive that as we become added adumbrative of the communities area we alive and work, and the bodies about the apple who we aspire to serve, we become bigger at allowance anybody on the planet accomplish more. Assortment and inclusion continues to be a amount antecedence for every agent at Microsoft and is congenital into our achievement and career development approach. To advance the admittance adventure for employees, as able-bodied as our ecosystem, we hosted Accommodate 2021, a all-around accident focused on assortment and inclusion, and abide to beforehand in aggregate compassionate by publishing assets and learnings broadly. And in the aboriginal year of our charge to abode bigotry and ancestral injustice, we are able-bodied on our way to acceleration the cardinal of Black and African American, Hispanic, and Latinx advisers in administration positions at Microsoft in the United States by 2025.
Care is the new bill for every leader, and we’ve congenital a new framework to advice our managers strengthen their teams and bear success through empowerment and accountability. Our managers strive to archetypal our ability and ethics in their actions, to drillmaster their teams to ascertain objectives and acclimate and learn, and to affliction acutely for their employees, gluttonous to accept their capabilities, ambitions, and beforehand in their growth.
Although it may be difficult to brainstorm in this time of immeasurable accident and abysmal uncertainty, I see great achievability ahead. I am encouraged because of the adeptness of you, our shareholders, our employees, our partners, our customers, and anybody who has connected to assignment adamantine to accomplish the apple a bigger abode in the face of constraints. And if we abide to accompany our mission, I am assertive that we will collectively accomplish so abundant added together.
I couldn’t be added optimistic.
Satya Nadella
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